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Fundación Proa colabora en este programa en la organización de visitas a talleres y encuentros profesionales, invitando a curadores argentinos a presentar y acompañar a los curadores invitados.
El proyecto es sencillo y directo: invitar a nueve curadores de arte contemporáneo oriundos de España y América Latina a mostrar y discutir su obra en Buenos Aires y Santiago de Chile, en sesiones públicas. Ellos abordarán su trabajo de modo concreto, y más que hablar de arte, teoría o curaduría en general, discutirán su labor específica de modo semejante a lo que suelen hacer los artistas en sus charlas ilustradas acerca de sus obras.
El ciclo invita a compartir y discutir la experiencia de profesionales muy destacados, con curadores, críticos, artistas, organizadores culturales y estudiantes de Buenos Aires y Santiago.
Ivo Mesquita
Curador e investigador residente en San Pablo (Brasil), donde es curador jefe en la Pinacoteca del Estado. Desde 1996 es profesor visitante en el Centro de Estudios Curatoriales del Bard College, Nueva York. Fue director técnico del Museo de Arte Moderno de San Pablo (2000-2002), y curador jefe de la Fundación Bienal de San Pablo (1999-2000). Sus últimos proyectos expositivos fueron: Iñigo Manglano - Ovalle: Clima (Fundación la Caixa, Madrid, 2003), Insite 2000 (San Diego/ Tijuana), F[r]icciones (Museo Reina Sofia, 2000) y el segmento Canadá & Estados Unidos en la exposición Roteiros, de la 24º Bienal de San Pablo (1998). Trabajó en diversas instituciones culturales en investigaciones, organización de exposiciones y consultorías, entre ellas, la Fundación Bienal de San Pablo (1980-1988), la Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Canadá (1989-1993), el Museo de Arte de San Pablo – MASP (1995), la Installation Gallery, San Diego, California (1996-2000), el Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Alemania (1997-1998), la National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (1998-2001), y el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Reina Sofía, Madrid (1998-2000). En 1991 organizó una conferencia internacional sobre “Arte e identidad” para el Memorial de America Latina, en San Pablo, en colaboración con Arts International de Nueva York. Ha brindado conferencias y workshops en instituciones tales como el Museo de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires (1992), la Biblioteca Luis A. Arango en Bogotá (1993), el Bronx Museum en Nueva York (1989 y 1994), la Fundación la Caixa de Madrid (1995 y 1997), y el Royal College of Arts en Londres (1997). Colaboró en las siguientes publicaciones: InSite97: Private Time in Public Space (Sally Yard, ed., San Diego: Installation Gallery, 1999); Latin American Art in the XX Century (Edward J. Sullivan, org.; Phaidon Press, 1996); y Modernidade: Vanguardas Artísticas na América Latina (Ana Maria M. Belluzzo, org.; FMAL/UNESP, 1992), entre otros. Es también autor de los libros: F[r]icciones (Madrid, MNCARS, 2001, con Adriano Pedrosa); Daniel Senise: Ela Que Não Está (San Pablo, Cosac&Naif, 1998); Leonilson: Use, É Legal, Eu Garanto (San Pablo, Cosac&Naify, 1997/2006), American Visions (Nueva York, ACA Books, 1995, con Noreen Tomassi e Mary Jane Jacob); y Cartographies (Winnipeg, WAG, 1993).
Bibliografía seleccionada sobre museos, exposiciones y práctica curatorial
Victoria D. ALEXANDER – Museums and money: the impact of funding on exhibitions, scholarship and management, Indiana University Press, Indianapolis, 1996.
Bruce ALTSHULER – The avant-garde in exhibition, Abrams, New York, 1994.
Mieke BAL – Double exposure: the subject of cultural analysis, Routledge, London/New York, 1996.
A. BALKEMA & H. SLAGER (eds.) – Still the Museum/Steal the Museum, Still Foundation, Rotterdam, 1996.
Emma BARKER (ed.) – Contemporary Cultures of Display, Yale University Press/The Open University, London/New Haven, 1999.
Emma BARKER, Nick WEBB and Kim WOODS – The changing status of the artists, Yale University Press, London/New Haven, 1999.
Tony BENNETT – The birth of the museum: history, theory, politics, Routledge, London/New York, 1995.
Tony BENNETT – Pasts beyond memory: evolution, museums, colonialism, Routledge, London/New York, 2004.
Maurice BERGER – Museums of tomorrow: an internet discussion, Issues in Cultural Theory 8, New York, 2004.
Nayland BLAKE, Lawrence RINDER, Amy SCHOLDER (eds.) – In a different light, City Lights, San Francisco, 1995.
Pierre BOURDIEU and Alain DARBEL – The love of art: European art, museums and their public, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1991. ’amour de l’art, 1969, primeira versão em francês)
AA BRONSON & Peggy GALE (eds.) – Museums by artists, Art Metropole, Toronto, 1983.
David CARRIER – Museum skepticism: a history of the display of art in public spaces, Duke University Press, Durham/London, 2006.
James CLIFFORD – The predicament of culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature and Art, Harvard University Press, ambridge, 1988)
Lynne COOKE and Peter WOLLEN (eds.) – Visual display / Culture beyond appearances, Bay Press, Seattle, 1995. (Dia Center for the Arts, Discussions in Contemporary Culture, number 10)
Susan CRANE (ed.) – Museums and memory, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2000.
Douglas CRIMP – On the museum’s ruins, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1993.
Thomas CROW – Modern Art in the common culture, Yale University Press, London/New Haven, 1996.
James CUNO (ed.) – Whose muse? Art museums and the public trust, Princeton University Press/Harvard University Art Museums, Princeton/Cambridge/Oxford, 2004.
Hubert DAMISCH – L’amour m’expose, Yves Gevaert Éditeur, Gand, 2000.
Carol DUNCAN – Civilizing rituals: inside public art museums, Routledge, London/New York, 1995.
John ELDERFIELD (ed.) – Imagining the future of the Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1998. (Studies in Modern Art 7)
Els limits del Museu (catálogo), Fundació Antoni Tápies, Barcelona, 1995.
The end(s) of the museum (livro), Fundació Antoni Tápies, Barcelona, 1996.
Bernard FIBICHER (org.) – L’art exposé, Musée Cantonal des Beaux Arts, Sion, 1995.
Philip FISHER – Making and effacing art: American art in a culture of museums, Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York, 1991.
Hal FOSTER – Recodings: art, spectacle, cultural politics, Bay Press, Seattle, 1985.
Liam GILLICK & Maria LIND – Curating with light luggage, Revolver, Frankfurt, 2005.
Reesa GREENBERG, Bruce W. FERGUSON, Sandy NAIRNE (orgs.) – Thinking about exhibitions, Routledge, London, 1996.
Jorge GUMIER MAIER – Curadores, Entrevistas, Libros del Rojas UBA, Buenos Aires, 2005.
Mika HANNULA (ed.) – Stopping the process? Contemporary views on art and exhibitions, NIFCA Publications nr.1, Helsinki, 1998.
A. HARDING – Curating: the contemporary museum and beyond, Willey Academy, London, 1997.
Hilda HEIN – The exploratorium: the museum as laboratory, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1990.
Susan HILLER & Sarah MARTIN (eds.) – The Producers: Contemporary Curators in Conversation, serie B.Reader/ Two (2000), Four (2001), Five (2001) and Seven (2002), Baltic, Gateshead.
Eilean HOOPER-GREENHILL – Museums and the shape of knowledge, Routledge, London/New York, 1992.
Eilean HOOPER-GREENHILL – Museums and the Interpretation of Visual Culture, Routledge, London/New York, 2001.
Donald HORNE – The great museum: the representation of history, Pluto Press, London, 1984.
Kenneth HUDSON – A social history of museums, Macmillan, London, 1975.
Olivier IMPEY & Arthur McGREGOR – The origin of the museums: the cabinet of curiosity in Sisteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Europe, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985.
Mary Jane JACOB and Michael BRENSON (eds.) – Conversations at the Castle: Changing Audiences for Contemporary Art, MIT Press, Boston, 1998.
Ivan KARP (ed.) – Museums and Communities: The Politics of Public Culture, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1992.
Ivan KARP and Steven D. LAVINE – Exhibiting Cultures: the poetics and politics of display, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1991.
Catherine KING (ed.) – Views of difference: different views of art, Yale University Press, London/New Haven, 1999.
B. KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT – Destination culture: tourism, museums and heritage, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998.
Bernd KLÜSER & Katharina HEGEWISCH (orgs.) – L’art de l’exposition, Editions du Regard, 1998.
Rosalind KRAUSS – “The cultural logic of the late capitalist museum”, October, n°. 54, fall 1990, pp. 3-17.
Rosalind KRAUSS – “Postmodernism’s museum without walls”, in GREENBERG/FERGUSON/NAIRNE, Thinking about exhibitions, pp.340-348.
Christian KRAVAGNA (ed.) – The museum as an arena, Buchhandlung Walter König, Koln, n.d.
Carin KUONI (ed.) – Words of wisdom, ICI - Independent Curators International, New York, 2001.
Riet de LEEUW, Evelyn BEER (orgs.) – L’exposition imaginaire, Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst, Gravenhage, 1989.
Aurora LEÓN – El Museo: teoria, praxis y utopia, Cuadernos Arte Cátedra, Madrid, 1995.
Robert LUMLEY (ed.) – The museum time-machine: putting culture on display, Comedia/Routledge, London/New York, 1988.
Sharon MacDONALD & Gordon FYFE (eds.) – Theorizing museums: representing identity and diversity in a changing world, Blackwell Publisher, Oxford/Cambridge, 1996.
André MALRAUX – “O museu imaginário”, As vozes do silêncio, Edições Livros do Brasil, Lisboa, s.d., pp. 7-124.
Paula MARINCOLA (org.) – Curating now: imaginative practice/public responsability, Philadelphia Exhibitions Iniciative, Philadelphia, 2001.
Paula MARINCOLA (org.) – What makes a great exhibition?, Philadelphia
Exhibitions Initiative, Philadelphia, 2006.
Andrew McCLELLAN (ed.) – Art and its public: museum studies at the millennium, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford/Victoria, 2003.
Jim McGUIGAN – Culture and the public sphere, Routledge, London/New York, 1996.
Kynaston McSHINE – The museum as muse: artists reflect, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1999.
Yves MICHAUD – L’artiste et les commissaires, Eds. Jacqueline Chambon, Nimes, 1989.
Malcolm MILES – Art, space and the city, Routledge, London/New York, 1997.
W.J.T. MITCHELL (ed.) – Art and the public sphere, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992.
Gerardo MOSQUERA – Beyond the fantastic: contemporary art criticism from Latin America, MIT Press/InIVA, Cambridge/London, 1996.
Rodrigo MOURA (org.) – Políticas Institucionais, Práticas Curatoriais, Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, 2005.
Robert S. NELSON and Richard SHIFF (eds.) – Critical terms for Art History, University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London, 1996.
Victoria NEWHOUSE – Towards a new museum, Monacelli Press, New York, 1998.
Peter NOEVER (ed.), The Discursive Museum, Hatje Cantz, Ostifildern, 2001.
Brian O’DOHERTY – Inside the white cube, The Lapis Press, San Francisco, 1986.
Paul O’NEIL (org.) – Curating subjects, De Appel, Amsterdam, 2007.
Joel J. OROSZ – Curators and culture: the museum movement in America 1740-1870, University of Alabama Press, Tuscallosa/London, 1990.
Andreas C. PAPADAKIS (ed.) – New Museology, Academy Editions, London, 1991.
David PHILLIPS – Exhibiting authenticity, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1997.
Marcia POINTON (ed.) – Art apart: art institutions and ideology across England and North America, University Press, Manchester, 1994.
Gill PERRY & Colin CUNNINGHAM – Academies, museums and canons of art, Yale University Press, London/New Haven, 1999.
Susan M. PEARCE – Museums, objects, and collections: a cultural study, Leicester University Press, Leicester, 1992.
Giselda POLLOCK & Joyce ZEMANS (eds.) – Museums after Moderninsm
Strategies of engagement, Blackwell Publishing, Victoria (Australia), 2007.
Donald PREZIOSI (ed.) – The Art of Art History: a critical anthology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. (part 9: “The other: art history and/as museology”)
Donald PREZIOSI – Brain of the Earth’s Body: art, museums and the phantasms of Modernity, Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis/London, 2003.
N. PRYOR – Museums and Modernity: art galleries and the making of modern culture, Berg, Oxford/New York, 2002.
J. PUTNAN – Art and artifact: the museum as medium, Thames&Hudson, London, 2001.
Quatremère de QUINCEY – Considérations morales sur les destinations des ouvrages de l’art (1815), Fayard, Paris, 1989.
Steven RAND & Heather KOURIS (eds.) – Cautionary tales: critical curating, Apexart, New York, 2007.
Juan Carlos RICO – Museos/Arquitectura/Arte: los espacios expositivos, Silex Ediciones, Madrid, 1999.
Richard SANDELL (ed.) – Museums, society, inequality, Routledge, London/New York, 2002.
Nicholas SEROTA – Experience or interpretation: the dilemma of museums of modern art, Thames and Hudson, London, 1996.
Daniel SHERMAN and Irit ROGOFF (eds.) – Museum/Culture: Histories, Discourses, Spectacles, Routledge/University of Minnesota Press, London/Minneapolis, 1994.
Mary Anne STANISZEWSKI – The power of display: a history of exhibition installations at the Museum of Modern Art, MIT Press, London/Cambridge, 1998.
George W. STOCKING Jr. (ed.) – Objects and others: essays on museums and material culture, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1985.
Christoph TANNERT, Ute TISCHLER and Kunstlerhaus Bethanien (eds) – MIB - Men in black: handbook for curatorial practice, Revolver, Frankfurt, 2004.
N. TOMASSI, M.J. JACOB, I. MESQUITA (eds.) – American Visions/ Visiones de las Américas, ACA Books, New York,1995.
Melanie TOWNSEND (ed.) – Diverging Curatorial Practices Beyond the Box, Walter Phillips Gallery Editions, Banff, 2003.
John URRY – The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies, Newbury Park/Sage, London/New Delhi, 1990.
Paul VALÉRY – “The problems of the museums” (1935), in Jackson MATHEWS (ed.), The collected works of Paul Veléry, Pantheon Books, New York, 1960, pp. 202-208.
Peter VERGO (ed.) – The new museology, Reaktion Books, London, 1989.
Brian WALLIS (ed.) – Art after Modernism: rethinking representation, The New Museum of Contemporay Art/David A. Godine, Publisher, Inc., New York, 1984
Stephen E. WEIL – Beauty and the beasts: on museums, art, the law and the market, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1983.
Stephen WEIL&Marc PACHTER, Making Museums Matter, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2002.
Peter WHITE (org.) – Naming a practice, Walter Phillips Gallery Editions, Banff, 1996.
Próximos curadores participantes
Taiyana Pimentel (Cuba/México)
21 y 22 de abril, 18 hs.
Cuauhtémoc Medina (México),
Bartomeu Mari (España),
José Ignacio Roca (Colombia),
Vicente Todolí (España/Reino Unido),
y Octavio Zaya (España/EEUU), entre otros.